Blitzy signs the traceability of an Italian excellence: the pasta of Rustichella d’Abruzzo.
“Pasta Tracker” is a project launched in June 2019 that uses the Blitzy blockchain, developed and coordinated by pmar s.r.o. in partnership with the pasta factory Rustichella d’Abruzzo s.p.a., an important Italian food company that exports its products worldwide.
The goal is to trace the entire production of pasta from the entry of the raw material to the marketing.

selected by the Commission of IoT4Industry ECCP
and received funds from the “European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 777455”.
The Blitzy solution will manage the production phases of the supply chain, collecting data along the various passages and sending them to the pasta factory cloud. The information will be recorded permanently. Every variation will be indicated, concerning even on the single package.
In addition to the pasta factory, the data collected will be available to customers in the supermarket, using the specific application.
For the company, the application of the blockchain is to the advantage of supply chain management.
It replaces the paper documentation and reduces the probability of compilation errors and delays in the transmission of the same.
It identifies problems faster.
Production processes are controlled, allowing for corrective actions in real time or planned.
The blockchain is therefore also an important tool to support business decisions.
In addition to operational benefits, Blitzy’s blockchain helps consolidate the company’s image because
- it guarantees transparency and complete traceability of the supply chain, certifying origin and quality,
- it gives value a production of excellence,
- it communicates to the final buyer the history and peculiarities of the product.
All this increases the confidence of the consumer and of the partners.